Today, nearly 50,000 DWI tickets are written by the North Carolina police each year. Taking into account the number of people living in North Carolina, this means nearly one in 200 people will be ticketed for driving while intoxicated.
DWI stands for driving while intoxicated. Many people may know this as DUI. In the state of North Carolina, the terms are interchangeable
Are you in this unfortunate position and asking yourself the difficult question of if you need an attorney for DWI? Unfortunately, North Carolina is known for how brutal it can be on offenders of DWI.
As you work to rectify your ticket, take a look at the three key factors you should consider when deciding whether or not you need an attorney to help you through your DWI charge.
Understand the DWI Levels
There are varying levels for DWI in the state of North Carolina, ranging from level five to one. Understanding how the levels differ in their punishments and fines is paramount.
Level five is the lowest of levels, coming with a $200 fine and some other punishments. At the other end of the spectrum, level one is the most severe, complete with fines up to $4,000 and time in prison.
When deciding whether or not to hire a DWI lawyer, it is important to understand the level of your charge and how it can be solidified.
Know Your BAC
It is extremely important to have knowledge of your Blood Alcohol Level at the time of your traffic stop and arrest. There is no circumstance of behavior that is sure to result in a conviction, aside from the outcome of a sobriety test.
If your BAC was reported to be lower than 0.08, hiring a DWI attorney in North Carolina may lead to certain success in reduced fees, fines, and conviction. With any measurement above that, it is nearly impossible to lower the charges, and your record of a DWI will be retained.
Planning to Take the Trial Route
It is incredibly important to note that to go to trial to dispute your DWI charge you must have counsel. If you do not hire a DWI attorney, you will be granted access to a public defender.
When going to trial to attempt to save your license to drive or reduce the punishments bestowed on you, a DWI attorney will have the expertise and the time to focus on resolving your issues.
Using an attorney will assist in your trial process to ensure it is speedy and all of the proper requirements are completed in a timely manner.
When You Absolutely Should Hire A DWI Attorney
There are certainly many times when it is absolutely necessary for you to hire the best DWI attorney in North Carolina. If you know you will be losing your license, or if you failed a field sobriety test but did not have alcohol in your system, it is vitally important to contact strong and experience legal counsel focused on DWI cases.